Prototype Development

by norm on Aug 2, 2018 Categories: 3d modeling for prototype development (2373 Views)

Does Your Prototype Development Benefit from 3D Modeling

One of the biggest problems that most product designers face is not being able to make their teams or the clients realize how the product will look and feel like in real. Despite the advancements in the 3D Modeling for Prototype Development, explaining the design just through a digital model always keep the other party assuming and makes them ask the same question if we can prove it.

3D Modeling for Prototype Development has gained immense importance amongst the engineers, manufacturers and designers, as it is the fastest way to get to realize the potential of the product. Using 3D Modeling for Prototype Development, we obviously trust the conceptualized design more, as compared to the one made on a paper.

Here are some ways you can benefit using 3D Modeling for Prototype Development:

Realizing the Design Concepts

Prototyping allows the designers to present their idea in a way beyond virtual visualization. It allows you to realize the look and feel of the design rather than just assuming looking at the CAD models. This helps the designers to move forward with their ideas, and implement them before the design can be finalized.

It also serves as a proof of concept for the other parties, who seek for a more realistic model rather than assuming looking at the visualization.

Incorporating the Changes Instantly

By having a physical model in front of you, you can easily incorporate changes just by asking for feedback from the clients. You can make several iterations this way prior to finalizing the product. During this iterative process, you will build the client’s confidence and will also get an insight of the actual need of the market. This enables you to make products that are better accepted by the customers.

Saving Cost and Time

Using 3D modeling for Prototype Development, the cost and time to develop the molds, patterns and special purpose tools would be eliminated. The same modeling can be used over and over again to produce several variants of the same product.

Unlike conventional prototyping, e.g. CNC, the amount of waste produced is minimized, because 3D modeling would only use up the material required to build the product.

Minimizing Design Flaws

3D Modeling for Prototype Development enables you to identify flaws in the design before finalizing the product. The materials used for prototyping sometimes resemble the properties of the actual product, which makes it possible for the engineers to perform tests on the prototypes. These problems can be identified prior to sending the product for mass production.

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