3 reasons to choose product visualization over photography

by norm on Oct 18, 2021 Categories: product visualization, 3d product visualization, 3d rendering product (1698 Views)

How Can 3D Product Visualization Help Your Business?

Whether you’re an ecommerce business or a brick-and-mortar business with an online presence as well, you probably upload photos of your products to convince your customers to buy. As customers trust what they see, what if your customers could try and buy with the help of product visualization?

3D product visualization showcases a real-time image and an interactive model for consumers through animation. Whether it is an image, an advert, or a step-by-step video guide, 3D rendering  can replace the hassle of expensive photo and ad shoots. Here are a few ways 3D product visualization can help your business.

Visualization vs.Photography

3D product visualization gives you the flexibility to have multiple images from any angle you want. Unlike product photography, you have no limits when it comes to background and lighting amendments or reviewing the photos. You can go back and ask for what you think showcases the product best, all without the expense of hiring props for photography again.

You know your product best, and now the customer can see all you wanted to show, even if you have hundreds of products. If you use a 3D image that is interactive, customers can see it from multiple angles and make the decision quicker. The experience will also be new and exciting for them and may translate into word-of-mouth marketing.

Customer Experience

If your product has many colors or texture variations, you don’t need to do multiple photoshoots. 3D product visualization can change the color on your website with a click. This benefits businesses by allowing consumers to customize a product online and then order.

If you’re selling a dress or furniture, consumers like to know how it will look on them or in their house. Augmented reality using 3D product visualization can reduce their doubts and help them make a decision. This confidence in the product that they ordered by visually trying it can reduce returns significantly.

E-commerce Business

If your primary way of showcasing your product is online but they are highly personal, such as clothes or jewelry, you would want a 3D visualization and not just a photo. If you give your customer the option to pick and choose, they can match multiple items to create a look and buy more from you.

If you’re selling a product and want to show how it works inside, you don’t need to cut it in half for a photo. 3D rendering products can give you images as you imagine them; there’s no limit to your imagination. Product visualization will boost your sales, provide confidence to and engage your consumers, reduce returns, and save costs.

Making Business Easy

From product visualization to marketing campaigns, 3D product visualization can help reduce your costs and bring more efficiency to your business. You don’t have to hire photographers and be dissatisfied with your vision not coming to life. 

Everything is tailored according to your requirements, so reach out now!

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  1. Product Visualization
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