360ᵒ Videos

by Norman on Aug 24, 2016 (20861 Views)

Dos and Don'ts for Shooting 360ᵒ Videos

360 video productions are the new fad in the world of filmmaking and reporting. It provides a fresh method for filmmakers, journalists, and game developers to offer a unique experience to their viewers. 360ᵒ videos are spherical or virtual reality videos such that the viewer can navigate different angles and areas within the range of the shot like a panorama, but in video format. The applications for this are huge, and many companies in the media industry have already begun experimenting with the format.

360ᵒ video productions are shot using omnidirectional cameras and require having a different frame of mind when recording videos. If you are keen on shooting 360ᵒ videos, the following are some do's and don'ts to help you get started.


Know What Your Objectives Are

Before shooting any 360ᵒ video, you need to know exactly what your video goals need to be and how you intend to shoot the video. A good way to help you get started is using a phone camera to decide how you want to organize your shot. You can record some clips to determine how you wish to edit it later on.

You may either shoot the 360ᵒ video as an outsider observer format, which are ideal for shooting documentaries, or you may want to do a close-up shot of the action, in which key objects will be given utmost focus. Also, if you are not the one who will narrate the video, be sure to stay out of the video frame.

Editing According To the Type of Camera Used

Any kind of editing should be done according to the type of camera used for recording the video. You need to know that each camera has different approach to editing, and should be considered before recording a video. Whatever camera you choose, make sure it has its own software or is compatible with one to let you make edits without any difficulty.

Publish On a Suitable Platform

You need to keep the right platform in mind when publishing your 360ᵒ video. Recently, YouTube has started supporting 360ᵒ video formats, including the YouTube Netflix channel. Alternatively, you could choose Facebook and gain access to a wider audience.


Spend Too Much On Your Equipment

Making 360ᵒ videos sure requires omnidirectional cameras on multiple angles. But this shouldn't mean spending an insane amount of money on your camera lens to help you record with the best quality. You need to start small and can easily purchase 360ᵒ camera lens that are in the $1,000 range instead of the $5,000 high quality ones.

Assume Video Quality Will Be High

You should not expect 360ᵒ videos to be having very quality as high as high definition. The lens of the camera will capture the maximum amount of resolution. However, once the video is converted into the 360ᵒ format, the quality drops. You may notice blurry edges on the videos and can get a lot worse if you plan on sharing it on social media.

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